Lending A Helping Hand

jackoff with mommy christinaWhen my daughter came home and told me that a friend of hers at school was talking about how her brother and father wanted to have a family fuck fest with everyone involved, including mommy, but they had no clue how to go about it, I knew it was a chance for me to have some fun.
I knew that I would be home alone last night (which rarely happens) so I invited their family over for dinner.
While we were eating I played footsie under the table with the two men, making sure to get their dicks nice and hard. I got up and leaned over to refill a drink and grabbed the hand of their daughter putting it right on her daddy’s hard cock.
No one wanted mom to know so the looks on their faces was priceless.
I then got between mom and dad and put dad’s hand right on mom’s pussy.
Taking my seat again I grabbed brothers dick and started playing.
Now that everyone was playing under the table, it wouldn’t be long before they wouldn’t be able to hide what was happening.
That is when the fun began and the rest is as they say, history.
We now have a new family to play with.

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