Lactating Phone sex: Teen Milk

Lactating Phone sex

Johnny loves his little mommy Gabby’s lactating phone sex. Johnny is a naughty man who loves to be right in between my cum splattered tits and drink his fill of cum flavored sweet ten mommy milk! JOHNNY! Everyone knows you like to climb on top of mommy with your brother fucking your bottom. But this mommy doesn’t mind. She loves how Johnny boy pump, pump, pumps mommies cunt while he wears panties! 

“Mommy It’s so cum covered it’s slippery like a slip and slide! weee! Did you use your milking mommy bobbies for target practice again Mommy Gabby!” “Am I your dirtiest boy?” He giggles as he pumps his boy penis in and out of mommies tight pregnant fuck hole! My panty Boy Jonny wanted me to write a blog so that cum lovers can play with my sweet breast milk filled tits. I just want lots of cum and target practice so Johnny can cum play again! Dirty JOHNNY loves panties and cum covered mommy tits! 

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