Lactating phone sex slut

lactating phone sex

Daddy has turned me into a real life,lactating phone sex slut. He said that my new job, now that I’m a preggo whore, is to be a kinky little slut on the phone and get these guys to come pay to fuck me. We invite them to come over and nurse from my fat, milky tits while they fuck my tight preggo pussy! Feeling them suck on my nipples gets my little cunnie so wet! These guys love fucking a tight preggo whore pussy. The ones that I really have fun with, are the ones that tease my clit while they lick up the drips from my full, heavy tits. So many guys come over to have fun with me that Daddy raised the price by almost triple! We made so much money off of my tight, wet mommy cunt that Daddy said he’ll buy me the new car I wanted! I was so excited that I got on Daddy’s cock and let him have a taste of my tits as I rode him! I think I like being a preggo slut!

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