Lactating phone sex

lactating phone sex

 My mommy tits are so engorged full of milky milk. I need my sweet boy to come here and suck on my hard nipples. He can milk me and I will milk him. I am sitting naked in the living room. My grown boy comes over to me and starts tugging on my nipples, pulling them into his mouth. It is making my mommy pussy so soaking wet.

He is getting mouth fulls of my mommy milk. I push my tits together and let him have both nipples. He is sucking so hard. I take his long hard cock into my hand and start jerking him as he sucks. I move his head and lean down and pull his cock head into my mouth. I lather his cock in my sticky wet spit. I fuck his cock down my throat.

I can feel that cum rising. I start slurping harder and deeper. I am going to milk that son cum sauce right into my mouth.

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