Jack off with Mommy

jack off with mommyMen call me to jack off with mommy. I think mommy catching her boy jacking off is the number one mommy son fantasy. I also think that this scenario in real-life is what leads to a lot of mommy son incest. It did for me. Timing is important too. When I caught my oldest boy jacking off, I was freshly divorced, in my sexual prime and had not had a cock inside me in over 5 years. I went to kiss my boys good night, and my oldest was on the edge of his bed masturbating. He had a pair of my panties wrapped around his cock and milf porn on his laptop. I watched him for a while. When he busted me, we were both stumbling for words. I was aroused and I was shocked by my arousal too. He was nervous. I knew I had to approach it right or I might scar him for life. I wanted him to grow up with a healthy love for all things sexual. I came in sat on the bed with him. I had the masturbation is normal for your age speech. I asked him to stroke it for me. I wanted to see his technique. At the time, that is what I told myself to justify the fact that I was aroused watching my son jackoff. I became a mommy whore that night. I fucked my son. I taught him how to eat pussy. I made him a man. And our special love changed my life. It brought me out of a deep depression. It got me out there dating again and it made me a fan of younger men. I married a guy only a couple years older than my eldest son. Now, I fuck all my boys and their friends too. It all started with my son masturbating with my panties. What are your mommy fantasies?

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