Incest Mom phone sex with Daphne

I don’t like to share my son very often but his new girlfriend is sexy as fuck! I mean I would love to lay her down and eat her pussy myself! So, when I walked in on the fucking on the couch I wasn’t angry. I was jealous that my son was getting this blonde bombshell all to himself! She started to get up and I told her not mind me. I pulled my panties off and sat down on the recliner to watch them. My son smiled and pulled her back down on his cock filling up her tight pussy so much! She moaned and started to ride him again. I smiled watching my little boy growing up and fucking a sexy kinky slut just like his mommy taught him. My baby boy made his girlfriend cum all over his big boy cock! I wanted some of my baby’s cock too. I pulled my dress off and climbed up on his cock. I leaned to kiss my boy when his naughty girlfriend stuck her face in my ass and started licking my asshole as my baby boy fucked my pussy so hard! He was slamming his cock inside of me, punishing my cervix! He made me cum so hard all over his cock as she ate my asshole and he blew his load deep inside of this mommy pussy!

Mom phone sex

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