Impregnation phone sex with Paisely

impregnation phone sex

I’m Paisely the breeder whore and I’m already knocked up but we can have fun on a kinky, impregnation phone sex call, talking about breeding my little whore daughters! I have 3 adorable cum dump sluts that we can enjoy together. They’re the perfect, little playmates with tiny, cute nipples and bald cunnies! I want to breed them as soon as possible, so I’ve been training them and playing with them. My tiny sluts know that Mommy loves to lick their pretty, pink cunnies when I’m talking on the phone to all the kinky men! I love to tongue them and fantasize that I’m getting their little holes nice and wet for your big cock! The way they wiggle around when my tongue brushes up against their little clits, turns me on so much! I need you here to ram your big dick into them and fill them up with a gooey treat for Mommy to lick up! I’ll be suckling and fingering their perfect, tight cunnies and waiting for your call…

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