Impregnation Phone sex Mommy

impregnation phone sex I love breeding and as your impregnation phone sex mommy I know why you cum to me. Pun intended! You love mommy’s big milky breast as her brat grows inside her. You lay your head on my tummy and ask how your daughters are doing in there. As mommy’s big boy you have lots of questions. Are we going to tell people you got me pregnant? What happens when she gets old enough to fuck?

All I want you to worry about is making sure mommy is happy and that means you get to fuck this wet preggo pussy and lick mommy and lap up her honey between her thighs. Then after you have had your yummy cummies you can suck on the full tits until you pass out.

Although with your brat growing inside of me I might get extra horny and you wake up to daddy fucking me and paying with your little butthole. I’m all about incest pregnant phone sex with my sexy sons! Get your pee-pee wet with mommy and enjoy a no taboo pregnant fuck for all with me. 

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