Impregnation phone sex

Impregnation phone sex

I’m ready to get freaky tonight with impregnation phone sex. I love fucking in any way possible, but my favorite is when you are fucking me bare back with the intention of breeding me. No condom feels the best when you stick that raw dick inside my pussy. I can feel your veins pulse with every thrust you give me. And the thought of what could happen when you cum inside me arouses me the most!

                I want to feel your fat cock inside me and then feel that hot load cum deep inside my pussy. I want it to fill up my pussy and spread deep within my womb. I want to feel it oozing out and dripping down my legs, knowing that some of it will swim up and get me pregnant with your little ones.

                After your sperm works its way up to where it needs to go and gets me pregnant, I love that belly that I’ll get. The round little belly that feels so amazing when it gets rubbed.

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