Huge tits phone sex

huge tits phone sex

 I love having big tits for my boys. I was laying on the couch with my tits of course popping out. My sons both walked over to me and I did not even realize they were there until my oldest tried sliding his long hard cock over my face and into my cleavage. He always talks about how he loves my milky tits because they are so perky and squishy. When his cock goes in between my tits, they squeeze his cock tightly and jerk him in and out as he pumps himself in between them.

 I suck on his balls as they dangle by my mouth. I pop his balls from cheek to cheek sucking on them and flicking my wet tongue against them. My other son is looking at us stroking his cock while I beat my other son right in between my tits. I pull my panties to the side and offer up my pussy to my youngest. I tell him to come here and squeeze that cock right inside my pussy. He slides himself right into me and I can feel his big boy cock stretching me open.

I grind my pussy on that cock taking him deeper in between my pussy lips. I can feel both boys filling up with sappy thick cum inside of their balls. I tell them to fuck me harder, give those cocks to mommy- fuck me harder. I start feeling my pussy hole filling up with rich creamy jizz. I look down at my cum filled pussy as my son slides his glistening wet cock out of me. My son that is fucking my tits is banging his balls against my chin while his cock is about to nut.

I show him my hard nipples and tell him to cum.

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