Getting My Little Sister Pregnant too!

Breeding Whore


Now that I’m all full of baby batter, my little sister is super jealous and we both want you to help her reach her goal of getting preggie too! You can take us both at the same time, switching between our tight teeny holes and filling us up with your juices. Skip the ass play this time, babe- we need you cumming inside our pussy. Over, over and over again! It’s going to be so beautiful to see us both mature together, right? Watching out tummies start to stick out and titties get puffy. Lick the milk from our nipples and stick a dildo in our cunts so none of the cum comes out. Make sure you get us pregnant! No faking it, no playing around- we both want to see how full you can us. We’re both home alone right now and would love to play. We can take tuns holding each other down for you. I’ll put my knees on her arms and make her suck your juice out of my cunt! Then when it’s finally my turn, she’ll sit her ass right on top of my face and make me lick her asshole till it’s clean as can be. Hurry! Play house with us before mom & dad get home. 😉

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