Father/Son Phone Sex Whore

phone sex whore

Make no bones about it – I am a loud and proud phone sex whore. I can’t even tell you the number of times prudish women have tried to shame me for my love of sex. It doesn’t upset me at all. In fact, I always end up feeling sorry for them because I know they’re very unhappy in their sex lives if they have to judge others for theirs. Oh well. I’ll take all of that dick that they don’t want. While they’re judging me for enjoying sex, I’m fucking their sons, brothers, fathers, and even their husbands. If they’re not gonna fuck the men they married, I surely will.

Speaking of – last weekend, I fucked a father and son TOGETHER. God, it was so hot. His son was a virgin and he said that he wanted his first time to be really awesome. What a great dad! I got down on all fours and gave the boy his first blow job while his dad fucked my pussy from behind. After he came in my mouth, his daddy traded him places and then he got to slide his cock into a perfect pussy for the first time. If you wanna hear more about what we did, call me! I’d be more than happy to tell you everything.

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