Do It For Charity

Mom fantasies



I went to the mall yesterday to buy some last minute gifts.   As I walked inside, I noticed the Santa ringing the bell out front was stroking his cock and staring right at me.  I wanted to just keep going but the holiday spirit hit me and I decided to be charitable so I got down on the sidewalk and started sucking his dirty chode.  He kept ringing the bell as my lips slipped up and down his short, fat shaft calling everyone’s attention to the fact that he was getting blown.  Soon a curiously horny group gathered round and quickly realized that if they dropped some money in his bucket that they would be rewarded with my slutty mouth so they all got that sharing feeling real quick.  I was sucking cock and licking pussy left and right, my pretty face covered in all kinds of cum and Santa kept ringing his bell, even though his bucket was overflowing.  They say it’s better to give than to receive but I beg to differ.



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