Den Mommy Whore

mommy whore Once a mommy whore always a mommy slut!. It doesn’t matter that I am the den mother of seven little cub scouts or making my son cum for the first time. I will always get my mommy pussy off somehow! Last weekend we made little wooden boats to float on the lake for a badge. But You know I couldn’t help adding a merit badge of my own into the mix! Naked painting! That sounds like something a milf shouldn’t do with a bunch of boys but It was a life experience this Cubs needed from a hot cougar mom! I made them all strip down and I even offered to be naked with them! All of my wide eyed boys just shook that head yes as I stripped my clothes off and my large tits and mom pussy was on display! Each boy stripped naked with me lickity split, That’s another badge, but that’s for later! I got the paints out to make those little sail boats nice and colorful. But what I got was a bunch of little penises at attention as well! So I had to make them swear to keep my secret lessons! Mommy sucking dick lessons that is!

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