Colleen has Wet mommy pussy for just the Right Pervert

Wet mommy pussy

Something about a dirty pervert makes me have Wet mommy pussy. When I have a wet fuck hole, I must find a dirty daddy to play with. The nastier the daddy, the better. So when I find myself all home alone, that’s when it’s the worst. I can’t stop playing with myself. Don’t get me wrong; I play with myself regardless of whether I am home alone, but when I am and have all that spare time, I must find someone to stuff my holes.

Last night, I enjoyed an ole dirty pervert I found on the enter-net. He said he was lonely and filthy. I didn’t take him seriously, but I should have. When he came over, he was in total dad-bod mode—wearing baggy jeans and a t-shirt, looking like he had lost his way. But when he saw how hot I was, it was only moments before he took out his cock to show me. Not sure what he was thinking, but he was surprised when I dropped low and showed him my DSL skills.

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