Cock sucking mommy who loves cumplay

Cock sucking mommy

Moms who want to be Cock sucking mommy will do anything to find themselves on the other end of a cock. My boys just love the fact that they can talk to their mother about anything. And do anything to her. They are so young, but I was very young the first time my father saw to my needs. I think it’s breaking on the edge of abuse if you won’t help your little one out when they are trying to get off. Just the other day I was putting my boys to bed and they wanted books read to them. Well low and behold the younger one thought he was a baby and wanted to nurse on my sexy tits. That only got the other one being aroused watching is brothers mouth on mama’s nipple and he wanted mommy to reach over and start stroking him. Before long I was in between a rock and a hard spot with only pungent thick fuck glue to keep me together. Some people might judge me for keeping my boys at home by allowing them to relax every day with mama, but honestly I get off on their little cocks also. Sometimes I think about how naughty I am and that only makes me hold down their little bodies and grind my cunt on their little cocks until my twat burst with pleasure. It doesn’t matter if they get off because if you keep grinding your hips they will stay hard.

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