My daughter has been on an impregnation phone sex frenzy over the past couple of months. All of the sluttiest girls at her school are getting pregnant and she doesn’t want to be the outcast. The only ladies who aren’t hopping on the pregnancy craze are the loser bookworms who have nothing better to do than study. That’s definitely not her, she loves to be in the “in” crowd, so if the cool cunts in her class are all being fucked and fertilized, you bet your sweet balls she’s going to be right there taking every creampie she can from every bone packing boy that wants to pound her tight little pussy.
She comes home from school with her snatch dripping with dick sauce. I don’t pry into her business, but judging by how much cum she has leaking out of her sweet teen lips, she has to be taking on two or three a day, at least. Hell, I’ve even seen her taking on the bus driver and a few of her fellow riders before she deboarded and came home. That’s a juicy junk full of jizz right there in just a few minutes. With all of the poles she lets shoot off inside of her, I’d say she should be getting pregnant any time now.
I don’t know what started it. It could be those shows that glamorize loose girls who aren’t even old enough to drive getting knocked up and having rugrats of their own, or maybe it’s just because it feels so good to have a thick and firm dick fire out all of its egg fertilizing fuck foam deep up inside of us. Creampies really do feel amazing, multiple creampie blats are simply heaven. I hope that’s why my girl’s doing it, having a whining, screaming crotch goblin hanging around seems like it would really harsh my mommy whore vibe. And if she thinks I’ll be taking care of it, she has another thing coming. None of those liquid love loads seems to have taken hold, yet. I don’t think I have anything to worry about for now.