I took my little bambinos out to eat last night for dinner because I had made a little extra money from shaking my ass on that pole and my baes were starving since the weak before was skimpy, but I guess I still did not have enough to cover all of dinner. I did not know what I was going to do. Thank god that the manager enjoyed trip over to the Philippines for paticular reasons if you catch my drift. He had a taste for much smaller cock. I had my son with me and he had to do some “extra” work to help me cover the bill for dinner. I thought it was going to bother me seeing such a small dick and a larger dick playing together but it actually turned me on quite a bit. MY son took it like a champ and only cried only a little bit. I may see if we can get free food elsewhere too and have my boys pay more often.
Category: Breeding whore
Little cock and big cock
Give her sweet little ones
I was talking to my daughter earlier about bills and adulthood and all that it entails. And how I felt that it was time she helped out around here with paying bills and being responsible and being accountable. I gave her several choices and explained them. I told her she could strip like me and make money shaking her ass and titties, sell her ass and her pussy and get fucked to make money and then she came up with an ingenious idea. She said well what if I just got pregnant mom? Then I could just go on welfare and keep having kiddos. I really liked her idea. So as of right now we are on the look out for a dead beat guy that will fuck my daughter and impregnate her sweet lil pussy and maybe even fuck her face and ass hole for fun. We want her to be pregnant and she is fertile and ripe for the taking .
Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing your body goes through so many different changes preparing for the life being created inside of your body. Your breast get bigger and the nipples darken your hips thicken and your ass gets bigger too. Your pussy gets all sensitive and wet so easily.
This feeling of being so complete fills your very being and not to mention you feel like fucking almost non stop well atleast I fill this way. I always feel like I need a few orgasm a day just to put a smile on my face. So currently I am single and pregnant and I am being a little selective with who I fuck right now. Just sticking to close friends to suck on my clit or anus.
Its amazing being treated like a goddess of creation when you have a little one filling up your very being…
Mommy Love
I am so proud of my youngin. Today she started her period and has become a woman. What makes me even prouder is that she has said that she wants to be a stripper just like mommy. I love the fact that I have made such an impact on her lil mind. I think next I need to teach her how to suck a fat cock and take a big fat juicy load to the back of her throat. I need to teach her how to spread them youngin legs wide open so a man go go balls deep into her tiny asshole and tight fucking pussy. A little crying never hurt any one and pain is pleasure. I think she will learn to like it just like I did. I will make a mini whore of her yet. I will teach her everything that I know and teach her how to keep her mouth shut and her ass open as well as her legs. She will be a good little cum slut.
Good Bitch

I have a black eye from one of my johns and I went to work, I really do not understand why my co-workers are being so crazy about it and giving me such a hard time. I keep telling them that I know my place and I should be reminded of it every once in awhile. Well, they really lost their shit when I told them that he also forced his dick into my asshole while I was screaming. I was only yelling cause it hurt, but I know I deserved it. I mean come on, if I have the balls to make piss my John off, then he has the right to do ANYTHING he wants to me. I crossed a line and I needed to be punished. He gave my asshole what it deserved, put me back in my place and fucked me up cause I knew better. We are all good. It is my job to keep him happy, they just do not understand that. I think they need a John like mine to show them.
bgc lover
I am a bad girl cock lover but i had to spoil myself and congratulate myself on my new pregnancy. So i went out and got a dog an additional wee one to love my little furry friend ill keep me warm at night. It was a spur of the moment thing. Those Aspca commercials really get to you ya know. So i went down to a local shelter to get myself a furry friend best decision i have made thus far his name is Oscar and he is so damn lovely. I think this might be love at first sight lol. Just had to update you guys on my new found pet he is just of so so cute. He gets so excited when his belly gets rubbed that his little red soldier stands at attention coming out from hiding. It was an interesting thing to look at. I could barely help myself from reaching out stroking it. Oscar whined a little bit but from what I could tell he loved it. I wonder what it would feel like to get down on all fours like my furry friend and let him rut on top of me from behind busting his load deep inside of me. I wonder if I can get pregnant by my furry friend..Well theres a penny for my thoughts haha
Cock Sucking Mommy Loved Christmas!!
My favorite gift was “under” the tree when I awoke yesterday morning. My darlings must have planned well, because when I went to bed, that gift was nowhere to be seen. When I walked in, expecting to watch my sweethearts open their gifts, I found him lying under the side of the tree, all the gifts I had put there rearranged. My friend from back when was completely naked, except for a ribbon right around his cock. He beckoned me to him, and my darlings stood to the side just watching with grins on their faces. I hurried to his side and I grabbed his cock, dropping to my knees so that I could swallow that monster straight down my throat. I gave his dick the best working over, and by the time I was nearly done, he was frantic with how badly he wanted me. He quickly removed my clothes and positioned my ass in the air, pressing down on my shoulder so that my head would stay on the ground. He drove into me hard and fast and deep, and I was so wet that you could just hear the squish of us joining together. He fucked me so good and hard that I came quickly, spasming around his cock. Then, my darlings and husband joined in. It was a very Merry Christmas, indeed!