Category: Breeding whore


breeding whorePregnancy is such a beautiful thing your body goes through so many different changes preparing for the life being created inside of your body. Your breast get bigger and the nipples darken your hips thicken and your ass gets bigger too. Your pussy gets all sensitive and wet so easily.

This feeling of being so complete fills your very being and not to mention you feel like fucking almost non stop well atleast I fill this way. I always feel like I need a few orgasm a day just to put a smile on my face. So currently I am single and pregnant and I am being a little selective with who I fuck right now. Just sticking to close friends to suck on my clit or anus.

Its amazing being treated like a goddess of creation when you have a little one filling up your very being…

Mommy Love

Breeding phone sex Roxanne

I am so proud of my youngin. Today she started her period and has become a woman. What makes me even prouder is that she has said that she wants to be a stripper just like mommy. I love the fact that I have made such an impact on her lil mind. I think next I need to teach her how to suck a fat cock and take a big fat juicy load to the back of her throat. I need to teach her how to spread them youngin legs wide open so a man go go balls deep into her tiny asshole and tight fucking pussy. A little crying never hurt any one and pain is pleasure. I think she will learn to like it just like I did. I will make a mini whore of her yet. I will teach her everything that I know and teach her how to keep her mouth shut and her ass open as well as her legs. She will be a good little cum slut.

Good Bitch

Cock sucking mommy
I have a black eye from one of my johns and I went to work, I really do not understand why my co-workers are being so crazy about it and giving me such a hard time. I keep telling them that I know my place and I should be reminded of it every once in awhile. Well, they really lost their shit when I told them that he also forced his dick into my asshole while I was screaming. I was only yelling cause it hurt, but I know I deserved it. I mean come on, if I have the balls to make piss my John off, then he has the right to do ANYTHING he wants to me. I crossed a line and I needed to be punished. He gave my asshole what it deserved, put me back in my place and fucked me up cause I knew better. We are all good. It is my job to keep him happy, they just do not understand that. I think they need a John like mine to show them.

Mom Fantasies – Poly Party Surprise!

Mom fantasiesI had such fun at the last party we went to! There were so many new faces, and one of the newer couples had brought their daughter. She was absolutely gorgeous – such a perfectly angelic face, such luscious little curves, and she smelled of roses. She was very shy, almost wilting, and I had to work to get her to smile at me. Once she had, though, she was my friend for the evening. Well, she started asking questions, letting me know that she had never been around anything like this before, which surprised me. Her parents hadn’t said a thing about her being a virgin, much less that this was her first time around a poly party. She asked for my help, and I couldn’t refuse such a sweet, innocent little thing. I brought her to a secluded room and I quieted her as I stripped us both down to nothing. I touched her all over and helped her touch me where I am most excitable. Finally, once she was calm and getting into it, I laid her back on the bed and I brought my face down to her cunt. She tried to worm away, once again uncomfortable, but I soothed her with my hands, massaging her belly and her legs until she settled. Then, I reached my tongue out and touched it to her clit. She bolted up, but settled back down. Finally, I was able to start tonguing her clit and pussy, and I started to work up and down in patterns. She was getting more and more into it by the minute, her little cunt flooding with her desire. She was moaning and begging, even though she didn’t know what for. I dipped my tongue deep into her cunt, and her hands flew to my head. I started licking her out, devouring her sweet juices. Finally, I stuck a finger inside of her and started massaging her g-spot. She went buck wild, so I added another, and started tonguing her clit again. She came so hard that she gushed all over my face. The sweet dear apologized, but she didn’t know that we were not done yet.

Cock Hunting with Breeding whore Roxanne

Breeding whore

I miss being pregnant. I had my little girl awhile ago but I really miss the feeling of her being in my belly. I think most of all what I miss though is the way she would wiggle and move like she was dancing when I was swinging on the stripper pole trying to make money. I would swing my hips and clap my ass to pay my way from nasty smelly men and good smellin men too who would throw those dollar bills at me. I would be dancing to the beat of he music and I would feel her begin to move like she was shakin’ her little booty with mommy. I can only imagine what a pro she will be if she follows in my footsteps. She loves music and I can tell she has rhythm. It makes me miss those days so badly. I think I might need to find a big fat cock to knock me up just so I can get those days back. I would love to be pregnant again just because I miss it so much. Hmmm, cock hunting tonight I guess.

bgc lover

jack off with mommyI am a bad girl cock lover but i had to spoil myself and congratulate myself on my new pregnancy. So i went out and got a dog an additional wee one to love my little furry friend ill keep me warm at night. It was a spur of the moment thing. Those Aspca commercials really get to you ya know. So i went down to a local shelter to get myself a furry friend best decision i have made thus far his name is Oscar and he is so damn lovely. I think this might be love at first sight lol. Just had to update you guys on my new found pet  he is just of so so cute. He gets so excited when his belly gets rubbed that his little red soldier stands at attention coming out from hiding. It was an interesting thing to look at. I could barely help myself from reaching out stroking it. Oscar whined a little bit but from what I could tell he loved it. I wonder what it would feel like to get down on all fours like my furry friend and let him rut on top of me from behind busting his load deep inside of me. I wonder if I can get pregnant by my furry friend..Well theres a penny for my thoughts haha

Preggo Phone Sex – Birthing

Preggo phone sexEarly yesterday morning, as I was getting up and about to see my husband off to work properly, I heard my oldest daughter moaning and panting. I thought she was having fun with her husband until I heard the panic in his voice. I knocked on their door and immediately invited myself in. She was in labor. I had her husband get my husband to help fill up the pool that had been sitting in the living room for days now. Between us, we managed to get her to the pool, even as the rest of my darlings scrambled to help get all the other things we would need.Pregnant phone sex Once she was squatting in the pool, using the sides for leverage, I climbed in with her and held her, massaging that belly until contractions came, and then I started to massage her clit to draw attention away from the pain. The first couple of times, she didn’t like it, but as we drew closer and closer to the time for her to birth, she got more and more into it. Her cunt was slowly stretching to accommodate, and between it being stretched to the max and the stimulation on her clit, she was really starting to enjoy her birthing process. I knew she still felt the pain, as she grabbed tightly to my arm as I stimulated her clit, and she left bruises where her hand rested. I didn’t mind, though, I knew my darling was having a hard time of it and would soon be a very happy mommy.

Cock Sucking Mommy Loved Christmas!!

Cock sucking mommyMy favorite gift was “under” the tree when I awoke yesterday morning. My darlings must have planned well, because when I went to bed, that gift was nowhere to be seen. When I walked in, expecting to watch my sweethearts open their gifts, I found him lying under the side of the tree, all the gifts I had put there rearranged. My friend from back when was completely naked, except for a ribbon right around his cock. He beckoned me to him, and my darlings stood to the side just watching with grins on their faces. I hurried to his side and I grabbed his cock, dropping to my knees so that I could swallow that monster straight down my throat. I gave his dick the best working over, and by the time I was nearly done, he was frantic with how badly he wanted me. He quickly removed my clothes and positioned my ass in the air, pressing down on my shoulder so that my head would stay on the ground. He drove into me hard and fast and deep, and I was so wet that you could just hear the squish of us joining together. He fucked me so good and hard that I came quickly, spasming around his cock. Then, my darlings and husband joined in. It was a very Merry Christmas, indeed!

Let’s Get This Started

mommy phone sex

I had such a good time teaching the Sex Ed class, I realized the fun was specifically about seeing a young one experience sex for the first time. Getting them started on their lifelong journey seeking naughty pleasure gets me so fucking hot. So, I decided to volunteer for babysitting specific age groups that I thought appropriate. Not only would I get paid, but I’d get to play with them too. It worked out to my advantage when I was hired to watch Stephen and Susie last night. They were dropped off at my place and left for a few hours, which was plenty of time for me to strip in front of them, teach them about our bodies and instruct them on how to touch each other. Mmm, it was so good watching them and teaching them to do exactly as I wanted. My pussy stayed wet and I found it very exciting to witness their first sexual experience together.

Am I Preggers O_O

breeding whoreSo it has been almost a month since my trip to the key west. I have been feeling so ill as of late I can barely keep any food down so I think I might have finally done it! I think I might be… Pregnant! I dont know for sure I took an over the counter test but those can give you false readings so I am definitely setting up a doctors appointment to make sure I have a little bun in the oven! Jeez this would be the best christmas present ever if I am. My fingers are crossed hoping for the best but this sickness is just terrible ugh I can not keep anything down but ginger ale and crackers are helping. If you have any advice call me up and tell me please!