Breeding whore for Daddys party

breeding whore

 First thing this morning, Daddy gave me a sexy, slutty outfit and told me that he had a job for me tonight. I’m the dancer for his kinky NYE party. He told me that since I’m his favorite little breeding whore, I have to entertain his guests at the party tonight. He even put up a pole for me to dance on! I’ve been sliding up and down that pole while they’ve all been trying to get me to slide up and down their poles. I stripped my tiny, tight slutty outfit off hours ago. I danced and grinded on them with my perky little tits out. Daddy’s friends have been passing me around and dumping loads of cum into my fertile little kitty! Every time I go to dance for them, the cum drips out and runs down the pole. I giggle when I see those cum globs rolling down because I know how much it turns Daddy on. He’s been watching me get fucked all night long and stroking his cock while I take cum shots. I can’t wait to take Daddy’s cock tonight. I’m going to let him breed my slutty pussy for the new year. Instead of a kiss, I want a hot cum wad from my Daddy’s cock at midnight.

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