Breeding phone sex slut Paisely

breeding phone sex

Mommy Paisely the breeding phone sex slut has a hot, new story to tell you about my little fuck trophy brats! We could talk about you blowing your gooey cream shot deep in my hot pussy and knocking me up but I get so much more wet and horny when I’m talking to you about my little ones! This week I needed some quick cash to cover a few bills and had to use them to make it. A single mommy slut has to do what needs to be done to feed these little brats. I put an ad on a sketchy website to entice the dirty p daddies to call me. It detailed all the nasty shit that my little brats are capable of and what they’re willing to do. I even mentioned their teeny tiny, virgin assholes! Within minutes of posting the ad, my phone was blowing up with perverted men wanting to buy not only my hot, breeder bitch cunnie but also the tight, perfect young holes of all three of my little ones! These tiny cock sleeve sluts aren’t even old enough for school yet but Mommy has already taught them everything they need to know about pleasing a grown man’s big, hard cock! Their sweet, mini cunnies taste so good and look so pretty when their legs are spread wide open and mommy is teasing them right in front of you! Those pretty, pink flowers are so hard to resist and I want to share them with you. All I want is to do is lick them and get them nice and wet for your big dick so that I can watch you force it into them. You can start by shoving it into my whore cunt to blow off that first load. After that, get ready to have the smallest and tightest pussy you’ve ever had around your dick!

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