Boobie Juice and Jacking

Lactating phone sexWhat is it about lactating sex that drives men wild? Your milky momma knows! Men need that sweet breast milk shot all over and played in while you fuck the brat inside me senseless! Are you in the mood for some titty squirts? My long nipples are perfect for pointing right at your face, cock or chest to get that titty milk coating you so need! Personally I love titty milk mixed with cream. My OBYGN says it’s great for my brat growing in this preggo slut womb! And for all your real kinky men, I love to strip down and unleash the milk beast so my little boy and girl can have some boobie juice.
Daddy dick jacking as I get my lovies naked and spend some quality skin on skin contact as I nourish them. Daddys a dirty man though! He likes my hands to roam all over those sweet round bottoms and brat sex parts as he gets ready to fuck my mouth. Soon he will be seeking other holes to cum in. But for now he cumms in my throat and I spit it back down my tist for my sweet lovies to have some too!

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