Bobbie gets worked over by mommy

Mommy son phone sex Bobby works me over during the hottest Mommy son phone sex! I have a sexy son who has a nice big 10-inch dick and he knows how to please Mommy so well! Bobby is my best boy and I enjoy being a dirty mommy that gets her pussy eaten and fucked hard by her son. Bobby likes to come to me for his morning milking. Where I milk his balls and he milks my tits while sucking on them deep inside of my mommy’s cunt. I enjoy seducing my big dick son with my milky mommy tits. He just can’t stay away and I don’t want him to because he is a tongue like a hurricane that makes me squirt all over his face daily! 

Nothing will have mommy sucking dick faster than cumming on her son’s face. I deepthroat that cock and make sure he knows that Mommy’s pussy is his and his cock belongs to me! Don’t forget  Mommy Regina loves her Bobby’s big 10-in cock in her ass hole too! Let me slut out on that big son cock! Let Mommy make it all better! mommy sucking dick

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