Big swollen belly

Wet mommy pussySlap that rock hard cock of yours against Mommy’s big swollen pregnant belly and make your little sister that’s growing inside of my womb do gymnastics inside of me. She loves feeling a throbbing boner punching into her and tickling her developing body, she treats my insides like a jungle gym playground! Mommy spoils her all the time with juicy dick heads poking into her sensitive water sack. I am a very hungry Mommy and am always eating for two when I gobble down penis after penis, I can never get enough. I’m considering having an at-home water birth because I want her to come out of my wet mommy pussy in the most natural way possible and what better way to do that than to have her flop out into a big pool of water so that she can swim around in her own placenta fluids for a little bit before we decide to pull her out and let her gasp her first breaths of fresh air. I can’t wait to get my dirty hands on this filthy little bitch, my due date cannot come soon enough!

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