Be the queen of hearts, and your mom with big tits

Mom with big tits

With tits like mine, guys tend to ogle. Sometimes a little to hard and get that awkward boner in public. But they stare at this mom with big tits to the point that they might worship me. Like their Queen of Hearts in that river card, while they hold all the others for that royal flush.

I’ve even heard the stories of what some of these guys want to do to them. Some have the inclination of wanting to have me lactate for them, letting them milk me and drink their fill. Others just want to fuck them. I also have those who want to use em as handles to pull on when plowing my pussy like a field.

However, I’m more a fan of nipple teasing. Which I can come from. Makes me the wettest when someone just teases and stimulates the nips till I’m squirting with pleasure. Someone who worships my breasts the way they should be.

It’s also fun to watch em shake like maracas when I’m on top bouncing off your cock like a pogo stick.


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