We all know you pervy fucks love some Lactating phone sex with a nasty mother like me. Does it bring back memories of all the good pussy you had growing up? Or does it make you live out your dark fantasies? In either case I love a dirty man with a filthy mind who loves a pregnant cunt like. As long as the circus in my house doesn’t stop you from plowing my holes open and dumping your seed in me we will work out great. Most guys love hearing the background noise and sounds as they drain their balls in all the holes around.
It’s time to take out that big daddy cock and Jack Off With Mommy until you cum in any hole you want. It’s your choice baby; you have so many to choose from. I bet you are already stroking off and have pre cum around your disgusting perv cock already. I want to suck it all clean and watch you unload yourself in a fuck hole. My pregnant sloppy cunt is aching for some filthy sex. Connect with me so we can have so much fun together. I am always ready to please and milk a big cock!