Preggo phone sex whore for you

preggo phone sexDaddy built the coolest thing today! He was so excited to show me and my little sisters his newest kinky invention. We’re going to test it out tomorrow with a big group of his friends. It’s a round table that spins, with stir-ups for your feet, bolted to it on one side and shackles on the other side for hands. The whore that is going to be bred gets strapped onto the table nice and tight so that she can’t move. Her feet get placed in the stir-ups and her legs are spread wide apart and her hands get shackled above her head. When one guy is finished fucking her and shooting his seed deep into her womb, he just turns the table to pass the slut to the next guy. Daddy said that this would make it easier for more guys to fuck me and try to knock me up. We tried the table earlier, with Daddy and my older brothers passing me back and forth. I love the way the cum gushed out of my pussy when Daddy turned the table to pass my wet cunt to my brother! I can’t wait to get fucked by all of Daddy’s friends on this new fuck table!


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