Your Mom Fantasies

mom fantasiesI love hearing your mom fantasies and making them cum true. I am a mature woman and a P mommy. I have years of experience playing with little girls and boys. I have two adult boys, one adult daughter and a little boy and girl from husband # two. With my youngest ones, I started earlier with the family fun. This time, my husband joins in. My first husband was boring as fuck. He never would have approved of me riding my son’s cock. Now, I have a husband who watches me fuck my son while our daughter gives him head. We are a very close family. Any fantasy you have, I have likely done. I mean how do you know if you don’t like something if you don’t try, right? Last night, I had a caller with no fantasy because he has been fucking his mother for years now. His mom is 20 years older than me and still horny as fuck. She is my idol now because I want to still be fucking my boys when I am older. He told me all his experiences with his mother and I got wet. I hope my boys brag about their mommy whore like my caller did about his mommy.

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