World Poetry Day with Mama Pearl

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My submission for my life on World Poetry Day 2016.

How can you call me a slut

Just because I like my sex

served hot up the butt?

How can you call me a whore?

because I have needs

I choose not to ignore?

Maybe you think

that I’m too old

or too outta shape

to fit your sexual mold.

But a woman has feelings

just like a man.

And if that’s not part of the plan

then the plan I Will blast.

Society is stuck in the past

when it comes to the age game.

My vagina is beautiful

and so are my breasts

They may be older

I still feel blessed.

So tell me please,

one more time.

Does this have to mean that I’m past my prime.

I can still satisfy

any young man

At least, or as good

as he can with his hand.

And if beauty is timeless

and sex just gets better..

Why are we just sitting here, reading this damn letter?

Bring me that dick and I’ll show you what kinda girl

you get when you fuck you some

Hot Mama Pearl!!!!

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