They love to jack off with mommy!

jack off with mommySometimes I have to be careful what I say on tumblr, people get so butthurt. Just because they don’t give their little ones the attention they deserve doesn’t mean I’m not going to give mine the attention I KNOW they crave! I mean, seriously there is no hiding the tiny little boners they get when they see Mommy. It’s not my fault they love to jack off with mommy! Sometimes the people on tumblr understand my slight hinting at what I’m into… other times they just don’t get that I am a happy, loving and proud Mommy who would literally do anything for my little ones. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them, and if that means giving them all the attention they deserve at all times then that’s what it will be! They love how mommy kisses them, sucks and licks all over those innocent sweet bodies, they love how Mommy treats them like the princes they are. They need to learn so many things, only things that Mommy should teach them in my opinion. Do you agree with my parenting techniques? Or are you so fucking butthurt like those on tumblr that I give my little ones all the love they should be getting? I know if you’ve made it this far, you’re ready to give my little ones some love and lessons too!

mom fantasies

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