Sissy Mom Visits the Pumpkin Patch

Sissy momI took the darlings to the local pumpkin patch the other day. We want to be prepared for Halloween, it’s our favorite holiday! Well, my youngest angel gave me a fright when he disappeared from view, and I had to have his siblings help me locate him. He had found a vine that wound back into a wooded area. I’m not sure that the owner of the farm even realized how far his pumpkin patch had gotten. We found another little patch of about 12 pumpkins growing less than 20 yards from the patch, inside of that wooded area. Well, no sooner had we started exploring those pumpkins than my youngest darlings decided they were hungry. We were in a well-covered area, so I opened my blouse and allowed them to nurse. Apparently, the sight of my breasts being suckled made the rest of my darlings rather hungry, too. They started surrounding me, and then we found ourselves in a tangle of bodies. The girls trying to suckle from my breasts, the guys trying to suckle on the girls breasts, and cocks began to find pussies and sphincters. We must have spent an hour or so in that secluded grove, all tangled together in a passionate heap, before finally sorting ourselves back out and resuming our pumpkin hunting. The farmer never questioned what could take a family so long to pick pumpkins, he was happy to have sold 12 of them in one shot!

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