Really Bad Girl


Cock sucking mommy

I’m a trashy sleazy scuzzbucket party whore. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says about me because I’ve learned from the best to be a trashy Misfit. I have fun in my life all the time, and I love being the dirtiest bitch at the party. I sniff coke off of guys cocks and then I suck them all the way to the balls, it makes me so fucking happy and high. I’m a kinky bitch, and I love it. If you want to fuck me in my ass, go right ahead and drill and pound my asshole because I could not ever get enough of being hammered by a big fat cock or two. I don’t have respect for myself why would I no one taught me to respect myself I learned to be sleazy slutty and a cum guzzling bitch that’s the lessons that I learned so well. I’m not going to do anything but be trailer trash all of my life, and I’m going to teach all of my little ones to be trailer trash bitches as well. If you want someone who you can respect, go to church, but if you want someone that you can have fun with call me. I’m the kind of slut who loves to suck and swallow, and I eat asked too, what a bonus. I think I’m going to bring my sister’s little ones with me so that they can get at some action. I make them drink and do drugs when they’re with me so that they can maximize the fun that they have and the fun that they give to the guys that pay me. When you look at me, you might not see the real slut that I am, but as soon as I get naked, you will find out. Why don’t you cum in my face and give me a sweet cream pie? Would you like to cum in my niece’s faces to they’re so cute and innocent-looking? Would you like to snort a line with a young one? I can make all of these things possible for you.

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