Phone sex whore Penelope turned cum dump slut!

Phone sex whore

Last night this guy I have been talking to for quite a little while showed up at my doorstep, actually asking if I was a phone sex whore. I guess the news got around what I do for a living and he didn’t seem very happy about it. In fact, he was kinda mad that I hadn’t informed him. He said I was lying just telling him that I do fancy telesales from home.

Before I knew it there were like 4-5 guys standing behind him in my doorway. I quickly attempted to shut the door but found his big Red Wing boot in the way of its ability to close. Pushing his way in, followed by his friends. All I could do was sit there staring in awe and fear as these big huge strong muscular men entered my living room. My mind was racing, wondering if he’d seen these posts and knew the kind of things I liked.

Just then he grabbed me shoving me to my knees in the middle of the room, all the big scary guys making a circle around me. I knew exactly what they were about to do when they one by one pulled themselves out of their pants revealing their cocks to me. Stroking them as they pushed them toward my face, occasionally slapping me in the cheek.

One by one they started to fuck me, coating my mouth, face, and throat with all of their cum.  I heard him behind me telling all the guys they could have my ass, but my pussy was reserved for him. That’s when it got a little more interesting. I could tell he was shocked that I didn’t actually fight back. He watched amused as one by one they ran through my tight little ass, cum just dripping out.

My Turn Slut. He said as he pushed himself into me, leaning down to whisper in my ear that I was going to be his little breeding whore… I guess he’d seen my stories…


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