Phone Sex Mommy Helps You with Your Mom Fantasies: Incest is Best

phone sex mommyWhen people ask me what I do for a living, I never hesitate to say that I am a phone sex mommy. It is quite the attention grabber, not to mention a great way to segue into talking about incest. I think sex among families is far more common than any one truly realizes. I also believe that mommy son sex is the most natural sex around. So by telling folks I am a surrogate mommy to help men with their mom fantasies, I am putting the seed in their head that it is okay to fuck your sons. I have two sets of offspring. My first born boys are all in their late 20s and early 30s now. Some even have their own little ones. I still fuck them every chance I get, but I am also helping them nurture their relationships with their daughters. In addition, I am helping my daughter in laws understand they should be fucking their boys. I have a younger brood too that I fuck. We are getting ready for our end of the summer family orgy. Every year, we celebrate back to school and the end of summer by bringing the two families together for a fuck fest. I tell my friends about it, especially my MILF friends with young boys they should be fucking. It is a chance for them to witness the naturalness of family fucking. And, to enjoy some young cock and pussy. Every August, a few of my friends join me in being dirty mommies. I like helping woman experience mother son love in its purest form. Perhaps I am a phone sex therapist too. I encourage men to act on their lust for their mothers and I promote fucking between parents and little ones. I think incest among siblings and cousins is pretty hot too. Maybe I can me your phone sex MILF too?

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