Phone Sex mommy has a schedule

phone sex mommy

I’m a phone sex mommy, and I’m quite alright with that. My routine is an interesting one. First and foremost, I get the tots to school and then pick up some party favors. I pour myself some wine or a nice glass of champs. I do a little bit of blow. If it’s not some coke, it’s a fraction of Adderal. I like to keep it classy and not overindulge.  A little fun never hurt anyone. Plus, one of the added benefits other than making you insanely horny is that it keeps you thin. I’m still pretty young for a milf, but I’m getting up there, so whatever will keep me fucking like a 20 or 30-year-old, I’m in it and ready to try. Next, I invite a boy toy over and let my husband know I’m going out shopping and not to bother me. I’m really only shopping for cock and getting rammed and fucked so well. After my fun, it’s time to pick up the wee ones. Mommy loves her days to herself.

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