Mommy Whore Play Time

mommy whore

Guess who! That’s right, it’s your favorite mommy whore! I’m here and ready to hear all of your fantasies involving the older women in your life. Sure, I’m a mom, but I’m also an aunt, daughter, niece, and sister. I’ve fucked every single man in my family, so don’t be worried about whether or not I will be into the things you are. I very much will be. I get off on incest fantasies the same way you do. But have you REALLY fucked any of your family? Probably not, so I guess I have a leg up on you there.

But don’t worry – I’ll role play with you, and it’ll be so great that you’ll feel like I’m really there and I’m really related to you. I can add those personal touches that you just won’t get from anyone else. I want you to tell me in explicit detail what you’d like to do to that woman in your family. Let’s get really nasty together and make this incest fantasy call something that neither you nor I will ever forget. Do you think you have it in you to do that? 


    • Steve on July 1, 2022 at 10:34 pm
    • Reply

    thanks for the call mommy. you panties taste so good!

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