Mommy Whore Nicolette Loves Sexy Trick or Treating

mommy whoreThis mommy whore loves sexy trick or treating. Who says I am too old to trick or treat. No one in my family will ever say that because we love to dress up and go out as a family. I dressed up as Kim Kardashian in her blonde phase. I have the Kardashian tits and ass, but my tits are real. I put on a short blonde wig, and my son and husband went crazy. Maybe blondes do have more fun? What do you think of me as a blonde mommy? We had some bonus boys with us who wanted to trick or treat too. Our neighborhood goes all out for Halloween. Yard decorations galore. Every house participates in passing out candy. The parents dress up too. My husband and I chaperoned our son and daughter, and their friends. I loved the cat calls I got from the dads and teenage boys, and the dirty side eyes I got from the mothers. I do have friends but being a sexy mommy with a boy toy husband makes me the envy of most of the local housewives.

mommy whoreThis mommy whore was the hit of Halloween. My son and daughter, and their friends did well in the candy department, but I racked up the compliments. No one knew who I was supposed to be which was fine because they all just thought I was sexy as fuck. Compliments go to my head. I mean I am 55 and boys and men alike still want to bang me. I have a great sex life. A better one than I had at 25. Once we got back from sexy trick or treating, mommy had a big glass of wine and fired up the hot tub. Daddy and I were going to relax while the young ones swapped candy and watched horror movies. Seems that daddy was not the only one interested in this sexy mommy whore. As I got into my bathing suit, I had quite the audience. My husband, my son, and my son’s three friends were all spying on me with hard cocks. The wine had hit me quickly, so I just turned around and let them see me in all my glory. I was still feeling sexy as fuck from my Halloween costume. Plus, I was horny from all the attention. Mommy had a gang bang in the hot tub. I did not want my daughter left out of the fun, so daddy played with his princess, while I entertained 4 horny boys. I felt like such a sexy trick getting such young and hard treats. Might have been the best Halloween yet. It was definitely the sexiest I have looked and felt trick or treating before.

mommy whore

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