Mommy Whore Edwina Needs Your Help!

Mommy whore

Things are tight this year for Christmas so this mommy whore had to do some things that sometimes mommies have to do in situations like this. Those men you saw here yesterday were sent from Santa’s workshop to help us get gifts this year. The thing you saw me bouncing on is called a fuck stick…it’s a pogo stick for mommies that’s a lot of fun! We bounce on it over and over—kind of like how you bounce on a pogo stick—and the game ends when we scream really loud! You heard me screaming a lot because we played that game a lot last night and mommy had so much fun! Then, we played hide the weasel, and they took turns hiding their weasel inside mommy; do you remember how to play that game? We’ve played it a few times before and I think we should start playing it again! Remember you have to take your weasel and put it inside mommy and make it go in and out of the hole until the weasel sneezes inside. Mommy loves that game too! Those men played hide the weasel so much with mommy last night that I’m going to be able to get you a PS5 and any other thing you want this year! Aren’t I a good mommy? Do you see what I do for you? As a way to thank me, we’re going to play hide the weasel later because it’s mommy’s favorite game!

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