Mommy sucking dick on the lollipop guild.

            Mommy sucking dick on the lollipop guild. We represent the lollipop guild. I may have killed with wicked old witch, and they thanked me oh so sweetly. At the same time, it was me who wanted to lick those lollipops. Oh, so many of them. To be sure that they were all oh so good. Just as they quickly confirmed that the wicked old witch was not only merely dead, but she was also most sincerely really dead.

            To be sure the lullaby league was a few that bared playing attention to. In the long run it was the lollipop guild. Sucking down on those lollipops, around them. Pulling them into my mouth. That size could handle three of them all at once.

Mommy sucking dick            The point often overlooked is the wicked witch of the west is also a cock sucking mommy and you can believe that is why she was so very angry. Here I come. Smoking hot. Taking all those munchkins to my breast. Sucking on all those lollipops. Not hoarding them to myself. They like the attention. Have their needs met. After all I gave all my attention to making them cum.

            Most compelling evidence is look how much she didn’t want me to go anywhere. Wanted my shoes. Take it all away. Immediately threatening me. Right behind me the munchkins quivered in fear.

          Somewhere over the rainbow. Way up high.

            As soon as she flew off on her broom, I set soothing those lollipops. To be sure once I had them all drained off all substance. Without delay I moved on to see what other damage the wicked witch was up too and see about getting home to my own crotch goblins. Down the road in the distance could see an intersection.

            For some directions, I need only help the scarecrow. Stuff him full. Then let him explode in my cunt. If only he had a brain, he would have known I was taking everything from him. Fucking him was what I wanted. Belly full of lollipop cum and now cunt filled with straw man cum. Hmm…Is there anything better? No. In fact, I liked the strawman so very much that I just had to bring him along for sustenance along the way.

            Along the way I take a tin man. If only he had a heart. Who needs one? I don’t. Not when he takes me in the ass. We were off to see the wizard. Because of the wonderful things he does. Shall we see what he does? Ultimately, we reached the wizard, and he made me cum all the way home. In fact, it proves the wise old wizard has the most stamina. Shame I couldn’t bring home the horse of a different color.


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