Mommy sucking dick everywhere

Mommy sucking dickMommy sucking dick everywhere. I have no shame in sucking cock I get bored of having the same cock every day. I love my husband but there’s something about sucking my boy’s cocks but lately, I have been enjoying their friends coming over. I like having a house full of boys it is so much fun to be with the boys. I have been having these little parties for the guys a couple times a week I bring out some fun toys and begin to have a ball with them. They get to feel up a really hot momma and they get to explore my big jugs and I have taught them how to suck my clitty. They are definitely realizing who has the coolest mom ever. I mean isn’t that what every guy has dreamed of? A hot mom who hooks up with them? I just happen to want to fulfill this idea with more than a couple guys. Momma wants the whole football team and while we are at it the baseball and basketball team as well they  too can cum practice and explore on mommy Daphne.

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