Mommy Phone Sex Swinger

mommy phone sexWhere are my mommy phone sex lovers? I have a hot story to tell you. My husband and I went to a swingers party over the weekend. Swinging is making a comeback. My husband and I like to get freaky with other couples. We have discovered that many swingers are lifestyle incest parents too. We went to this party in hopes of meeting other couples like us. We read a hot story on Lit Erotica about a couple hooking up with another couple and swapping little ones. Sharing is caring people say! I know there are other couples who would enjoy fucking my daughter and my son from my second marriage. At this party, we put out feelers. Asked questions about who the parents were like us. We met a younger couple like us in a May December marriage. She was my age, but her husband was a little older than mine. They didn’t have little ones together yet, but he adopted her sons from her first marriage. They didn’t have a sweet daddy’s girl like us. I fucked the husband while my husband entertained the wife. We exchanged numbers after the party. Last night, they came over with their boys. We had our own swinging party. I got tagged teamed by her boys, while her husband had the daddy daughter experience with our baby girl. My daughter ‘s first man other than her daddy and her half brothers. My son enjoyed my new best friend’s pussy and ass. He said she had a very wet mommy pussy. I told him that was not surprising since she was fucking him. My son is an excellent mother fucker. I have taught him everything he needs to know how to make mature women cum. We discovered that the man is sterile from a horse riding accident, so my husband and our son are going to fuck his wife until she gets pregnant. It is the least I can do since I plan on enjoying her two young studs often. Making new friends is the best.

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