Mommy Gabby’s Teet

lactating phone sex Gabby

You know what being pregnant and giving birth to new offspring means? Mommy Gabby Has milk that is sweet and thick for you! My daddy says he loves it so much he would give up his nightly 6 pack to drink his daughters new mommy teets! I would never ask him that though! He works hard and deserves a nice cold brewski at the end of the day. My daddy also deserves his cock took care of by his daughters too. He is my first love, the one I gave my virginity up too. The first man to impregnate me, too.

A girl never forgets her first lover and most definitely doesn’t forget him if he gave her a Brand new baby daughter. So yes, he can drink me dry and I will wait for my milk to fill back up. It won’t hurt this new little one at all to suckle a dry tit or take a formula bottle for a couple hours. Daddy cums first and always will!

Would you like to drink my young heavy milk filled tits too? I’m sure we could find something for this wee one to latch on too for a little while. You should cum first too.

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