Mom Phone Sex Session

mom phone sex

I used to watch my Mom with my brothers all the time and I’m sure that’s exactly where I got it from. I’m a horny Mom and mom phone sex is what truly turns me on, although I am open to all topics and fantasies. Lately I’ve been teaching my youngest how to eat pussy to perfection. He’s a fast learner, as I am now having multiple orgasms daily. It sure is convenient having two handsome boys at home at my complete and utter disposal. They’re so eager to please Mommy. Just as you’re going to be. It’s okay, baby. You can admit anything to me. I know from experience that you are probably stealing your Mom’s panties and jerking off in them often and I think that’s perfectly healthy. I encourage my boys to do such things. And I’ll encourage you just as if you were one of my own. And it’s okay if you’re a bit nervous. My boy Chris has always been pretty shy and I find it endearing. He gets really turned on when I coach him through some of our Mommy son sessions, but he’s building up that confidence slowly. Are you ready to have some fun with a filthy Mommy?

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