Mom fantasies I’m sure you have had them. My boys are always thinking about mommy, and mommy is thinking about them, Today I sucked them all of That’s what mommy did today. As a mommy, you try your hardest to make your guys happy. I sure do try to make my boy really happy in many ways. I have been told I spoil my boys a little too much. I can’t help it. I mean who wouldn’t want to spoil boys like mine. I got very lucky my boys are so handsome and very well hung. I sure did pick the right guy to mate with. If it weren’t for my hubby’s big dick and good looks I don’t think I would be this hyped up on good cock. When I met him I had no idea I would be this cock craved mommy. I love sucking my handsome guys off at all times of the day. I randomly go in their room and begin to jerk them and blow them. I mean I love waking them up with a nice start to their day. It’s always fun.