Mom fantasies make you wild, don’t they? My boys tell me all about their fantasies and what they have thought about when they were jerking off and getting off on thinking about momma. My oldest would always tell me how bad he wanted to fuck me outside in public in a crowded area like a park. I decided it was time to make his fantasies reality a while back. This was last spring but it still gets mommy daphne so nice and wet to reminisce about it. We had a nice picnic and it was probably at the time it’s most busy. I was in a super cute bikini and just really showing off and I feel my son just go down my shorts into my bikini bottoms and he starts getting mommy nice and wet and gets me off in front of a ton of people. Sucking on my tits and even going down on me as soon as the sun was going down and it was getting a little dark we got comfortable and fucked hard in public.