Mom Fantasies Get Stronger During the Holidays

mom fantasiesMom fantasies become more popular over the holidays. Seeing family again stirs up longings maybe you thought you grew out of once you became an adult with a family of your own. Longings for mommy or anyone else in your family do not just go away with age. I think they grow stronger. I know they grow stronger. You see how hot your mommy still looks. You know she can no longer get pregnant. Maybe she is single now, divorced or widowed. That gets men wondering if mommy is getting laid still or not. I can attest to a few things as a real-life mommy whore. One, mothers get hornier with age. Our sexual peak is sometime after 35. That does not mean we do not enjoy sex earlier, but we are the horniest after 35. Two, when we hit menopause, we do not close shop. In fact, we open our legs further than before. We start fucking men we never fucked before. We get Tinder accounts. We get on Cougar Life. And many of us even start fucking our sons. Now, we can fuck to fuck. We have no worries about getting pregnant and that really is a game changer for women. What holds many mommies back from molesting your young cock when you were a schoolboy is the thought of getting pregnant from incest. That is proof she was a naughty mommy. Take the risk away of getting knocked up, and mommies can be whores much easier. And third, technology changes so much with time and it can inspire women. Take me for example. When I became a mom, I had no smart phone. I did not have the Internet in my home. Nothing was wireless. There was not much incest porn. Now, there is incest themed porn everywhere. And porn is easily accessible on many devices. We carry the access to it in our purses every day. Incest porn gets moms thinking. An old 80s film called Taboo got me thinking; it was the only one of its kind when I was younger and a new mom. My point is that just because your mommy is older does not mean it is too late to fuck her. In fact, it may be much easier to seduce mommy now. You just need a phone sex mommy therapist like me to help you.

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