Mom Chat

mom chatMom chat? I love talking to men about their mothers. I have no limits, so whatever your mom experiences or fantasies are, I am here to help. I started counseling my husband when he was a teen boy and I was in my 30s about his mother. He had the hots for her, that is why he was hitting on me. I knew he wanted his mommy when we started fucking. I was just a surrogate. I tried to help him fuck her, but she just was not going to give in like I did with my boys. I was happy to be his surrogate mommy if she was not going to be a mommy whore. I ended up marrying him. We love each other, but we used each other too. His mother would never fuck him, and I would. I could never legally marry one of my adult sons, but I could marry a boy their age. You may not always get your mommy, but sometimes a hot MILF is a nice consolation prize. Just ask my husband, he will agree with that statement.

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