I enjoy your ageplay during milf phone sex. Mommy little boy enters her dark bedroom. I am naked and have been masturbating. My baby boy approaches and climbs under covers with me. You tell Mommy that your penis hurts. Rubbing up on my nakedness, I find your hard little cock, I pull down your pants. I’m not surprised at all. Your mushroom head is purple and ready to erupt. I demonstrate to you that mommy has to take care of her little boy. I put my hand on your chubby cock . Mommy’s little boy’s cock is rapidly growing in size. I begin rubbing it. You say it makes you feel good. Of course it does, little one. Mommy is so horny for her son! I suck on that rock-hard cock. As I cram my baby boy’s growing penis into my mouth, it gets all juicy and leaky! Aren’t you turning into Mommy’s big boy? I suck even harder on your throbbing dick. I shove it as far as it will go into my mouth. You tell me how swollen your penis is. You’re nervous, but trust me when I say that once Mommy is finished, you’ll be overjoyed. I am just a cock sucking mommy! I’ve told you that I adore you. As you fire your delicious son cream into my mouth, I move my tongue around your big head. You say you’re feeling better. Mommy Regina is always aware of what her son needs. Cum to mommy any time, my son.
Milf Phone sex for baby boys!
- By Regina in Cock sucking mommy, Jack Off With Mommy, Milf phone sex, Mom phone sex, Mom with big tits, Mommy phone sex, Mommy son phone sex, Mommy whore, Phone sex mommy, Wet mommy pussy
May 5, 2021
Phone Sex Rates
Billed discreetly as WBMTT Enterprises.
$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
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$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
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All Credit Cards Accepted
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