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 Jack Off With Mommy

Mommy has been secretly hooking up with my son’s best friend… he spent a night the other night! I came home drunk after the bar and walked into him stroking his cock on my living room couch while my son was asleep. It was about 2AM and mommy was fucking wet and horny! I couldn’t help myself… His cock looked so strong! I knew he would be full of energy.. So, I made a move. I stripped down completely naked with nothing but my slutty high heel mules on and strutted towards him.. His eyes lit up and he continued stroking his cock. I squatted down in front of him and smacked my tongue up against the base of his cock and dragged it upward to the tip. I worked my tongue back down and nibbled lightly on the vein that runs from the base of his cock to the frenulum.. His eyes were watering and his toes were curling.. I could tell he’s never got his cock sucked by a hot MILF with experience! He didn’t last long.. Right when I was going to slurp his cock down my throat. He nutted all over my face. I scooped the cum off my face into the palm of my hand and smacked it against my crotch. I stroked my silky pussy with his fingers and orgasmed so fucking hard. Maybe next time he will last longer so I can pulse this pussy on his cock. The older you get the more tricks your pussy can do!

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