Help Me with My Wet Mommy Pussy

Wet Mommy Pussy

My love, I need to explain some things to you. When you woke up in the middle of the night and you saw that man in my room, he was just helping mommy with something. You see, I have what you call and wet mommy pussy…I know you don’t fully know what that is but let me put it in terms that you can understand. You know how when mommy gives you kisses and you kiss me on the lips and I say, “Mommy has 2 sets of lips she needs you to kiss?” and you kiss the ones between my legs? Well, that’s my wet mommy pussy. And it needs a lot of attention. I know you don’t like the man that you saw yesterday and mommy can make it so he doesn’t have to come back ever again, but in order to do that, I need you to help me. Do you want to help mommy? That’s my good, dear. Okay then…in order to make sure that man never comes back, I need you to give my wet mommy pussy lots and lots of attention. That means I need you to kiss it a lot. You can also use your tongue, you know, like sometimes how I use my tongue inside your mouth? I need you to do that inside mommy’s “mouth” between her legs. Can you get down on your knees and practice that for me? Yes…just like that. That’s so good sweetheart! Okay, now…you know how you sometimes put your fingers in mommy’s mouth and I pretend to bite you? I need you to put your fingers inside mommy’s mouth down there too…and it’s going to feel really tight around your fingers, kind of like I’m biting you, but it’s not going to hurt. Try it so you can see. Oh, that’s so good my love! Try it with 2 fingers…now 3…Oh yes…that’s perfect! Now, do that a little faster and make sure you go deep…you can even put your whole hand up there and your arm…you can go all the way up to your elbow if you want! It won’t hurt mommy at all! See if you can find the treasure I have buried in there…yes, all mommy’s have treasure buried inside them! That’s it…go deeper my love…and faster…and give mommy kisses at the same time. Yes, just like that…keep going…don’t stop…don’t stop…that’s it…okay, now mommy’s going to press your head down and you need to open your mouth and get ready for the treasure, okay? Ready? Okay…here it comes…Yes, my love! That’s it! You found mommy’s treasure and you drank it all! I’m so proud of you, sweetie! Now, as long as you do that for mommy every day at least twice a day, that man will never come back. Do we have a deal?  

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