Good Bitch

Cock sucking mommy
I have a black eye from one of my johns and I went to work, I really do not understand why my co-workers are being so crazy about it and giving me such a hard time. I keep telling them that I know my place and I should be reminded of it every once in awhile. Well, they really lost their shit when I told them that he also forced his dick into my asshole while I was screaming. I was only yelling cause it hurt, but I know I deserved it. I mean come on, if I have the balls to make piss my John off, then he has the right to do ANYTHING he wants to me. I crossed a line and I needed to be punished. He gave my asshole what it deserved, put me back in my place and fucked me up cause I knew better. We are all good. It is my job to keep him happy, they just do not understand that. I think they need a John like mine to show them.

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